Category Archives: Flash Platform

Artigos sobre Flash Platform

Sockets com Action Script 3.0!!!

Sockets são das mais poderosas ferramentas de programação para internet no entando são poucos usados e conhecidos.
É possivel que software conversem entre si estando em máquinas diferentes. Por exemplo servidor Web como o apache fica numa máquina enquanto o servidor de banco de dados fica em outra. A troca de informações entre Continue reading

Sockets with ActionScript 3.0!!!

Sockets used ones and known are of the most powerful tools of programming for Internet and little used. He is possivel that software talks between itself being in different machines. For example serving Web as the apache is in a machine while the server of data base is in another one. The exchange of information between Continue reading

RIA applied the E-learning

The niche of e-learning is one of that more they grow currently in the Internet, happened of the growth of users and content in the Internet. Macromedia always had fort presence in this area, old with authoware, director and Flash. Currently it follows as main focus to the Breeze, Captivate and clearly the Flash. Using the concept of e-learning RIA earns in usability Continue reading

Testing Webcam with Flash Communication Server/Flash Media Server

The Flash Media Server/Flash Communication Server is a server of stream developed by Macromedia, with it can be developed applicatory of the most varied as complex videoconferences , chats, stream of audio, video and what more the imagination to allow. We will see with the time as to develop a complex application and robust using the FMS/FCS, however, I go to look for to show as to make this without using the ready components of the Flash. Continue reading